UCC Senior Minister Job Opening

Thank you for your interest in the senior minister position at University Christian Church. We are conducting an active search for suitable candidates. To apply for this position you should read the following information, which is available on our website www.univcc.org:

Senior Minister Job Description

Brochure describing University Christian Church

The first step in the application process is to submit your resume with a cover letter to the email address uccministersearch@univcc.org. Be sure to supply your contact information, including email and phone number. Our search committee will review the submitted resumes and ask for additional documentation from a subset of the applicants. You should receive a reply from the committee within 3 – 4 weeks. If you do not receive a reply, feel free to send a reminder to the email address above. We are conducting a thorough search for the senior minister, and expect the entire process to take several months. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Jay Virts

Search Committee Chair