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Worship Arts and Media
“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks” - John 4:23
The goal of the Worship Ministry is to provide experiences marked by creativity, excellence, and a passion for God. By using a variety of music and art forms, create a space where hearts will be opened to Jesus, personal worship with Christ can happen, and lives will be changed for eternity!
Worship Team Practice- Thursdays at 7pm.
Come practice with the Worship Team Thursday evenings at 7:00pm. Whether you are an experienced singer or a beginner, come make a joyful noise with us and fellowship with us.
Are you creative and eager to put your gifts to work? Great! The Worship Arts and Media ministry is a fun-loving group of hard working people who give of their time, energy, resources, and talents to create powerful worship moments. Why not join in on the fun? There are lots of places on the team!
Music Ministry
Choirs - Traditional and Worship Choir, Seasonal Choirs
Worship Vocal Teams (by audition only)
Instrumentalists (by audition only)
Creative Arts
Computer Graphics, Print Graphic Design, Photography, Videography, Fine Arts
Dance, Drama, Sign Language, Stage and Event Design, Decor
Technical and Media
Sound, Lighting, Video Recording, Video Editing, Video Shoot Design
Computer (visual design, running computer slides during service, prep during the week)
Special Events (lighting, sound, stage, set up, tear down crews)
If you are interested in serving with our Video Tech team, you can contact Logan James here.